Email Communication with Tony Meredith (Director of Policy and Stakeholder Engagement for David Crisafulli MP)

Below is email communication with Tony Meredith, Director of Policy and Stakeholder Engagement for David Crisafulli MP.

Friday 27 September, 2024

Hi Rosemary.

Thanks for taking the time to talk to me today.

For your information, attached is a news clip from 22 March where we ruled out a new stadium at Victoria Park.  The LNP’s position is clear.

Hope the new job continues to go well.

Tony Meredith

Director of Policy and Stakeholder Engagement

Office of David Crisafulli MP | Leader of the Opposition

Phone: 3838 6767

Level 9, 63 George Street, BRISBANE QLD 4000

PO Box 15057, CITY EAST QLD 4002

Monday 21 October, 2024

Dear Tony,

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me recently regarding Victoria Park. 

We were encouraged to hear that the LNP understands the importance of retaining Victoria Park as the green park for the people, this being consistent with the vision and legacy our former leaders had for this site dating back to 1875. It is disconcerting that Victoria Park could have been further destroyed by the building of an Olympic size stadium, all in the name of an event which is supposed to be underpinned by a sustainability initiative.

We understand, based on your email below, that the LNP has strictly ruled out Victoria Park for an Olympic stadium.  There remains confusion for the public however, given the inconsistency in statements by LNP leaders over the last week regarding a new stadium build.  We are also aware of ongoing lobbying for a stadium in Victoria Park by influential Commitee of Brisbane members, the AFL and others with vested interests.  

Based on your communication below, we are working on the premise that the LNP's Terms of Reference for its 100 days review of Olympic venues will explicitly exclude Victoria Park as a location for a stadium (or any build of this nature). 

We respectfully request that, if the above is not the case, and a Victoria Park stadium location is not explicitly ruled out in the Terms of Reference, that this is communicated to us along with the rationale for this decision.  

We are, logically, working on the premise the Terms of Reference has already be drafted given the limited 100-day timeline for completion of the review.


Rosemary O'Hagan, on behalf of the 

Save Victoria Park Steering Committee


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