Press Statement: Victoria Park Stadium Recommendation an Imminent Breach of Olympic Host Contract

Quotes attributed to Save Victoria Park spokesperson Sue Bremner

Monday 03 March 2025

"Save Victoria Park is deeply concerned by recent reports indicating heritage-listed Victoria Park-Barrambin is the 'front runner' to host Brisbane’s new Olympic stadium.

"Any stadium built in Victoria Park would be a breach of the principles of the Olympic Host Contract, which clearly states that: ‘no permanent Olympic or Paralympic construction’ should occur ‘in statutory nature areas, cultural protected areas and World Heritage sites’.

"In addition to both local and state level heritage listings, Victoria Park has deep and enduring connections to the region's First Nations communities. It is a historic landscape that includes culturally sacred sites.

"In light of the most recent reports indicating Victoria Park is under imminent threat, we feel the time for forbearance is over. 

"We question the independent nature of the Games Independent Infrastructure and Coordination Authority. It is our view that the composition of this team is stacked to favour the interests of the property and development sectors over the protection of our city’s environment and heritage.

"The GIICA board lacks critical representation from town planners, engineers, economists, and heritage, cultural and sustainable development experts. The Olympic Host Contract has key requirements relating to sustainability and heritage, yet the Queensland Premier has excluded such experts on this 'expert' panel.

"We will continue to fight short-sighted plans to destroy Victoria Park-Barrambin in the name of the Olympics, using every avenue possible to delay and obstruct any future stadium developments.

"Our message remains clear: hands off Victoria Park."



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